Patridgeberry Pudding

A pudding (cake) recipe which is of the most superb quality. Sauce is non-negotiable

     dessert cake


Good UnitsBad UnitsItemDirections
177 C350 FPreheat oven
290g2 cupsFlourAdd to bowl
10g2.5 tspBaking PowderAdd to bowl
200g1 cupSugarAdd to bowl, mix
57g0.25 cupMelted ButterAdd to bowl
240g1 cupMilkAdd to bowl
2Eggs, beatenAdd to bowl, beat with wooden spoon for 2 minutes
2 cupsPartridge BerriesFold in
Bake 40-45 mins

Hot Rum Butter Sauce

Good UnitsBad UnitsItemDirections
112g3/4 cup 2 tbspButterAdd to pot, melt over moderate heat
???1.33 cupsLight brown sugar (packed)Add to pot, boil
240g1 cupCreamAdd to pot, simmer
2.5g0.5 tspVanillaAdd to pot, simmer until slightly thickened
RumAdd to taste