How Tos
An assortment of guides for doing things either worth doing or challenging and necessary
how-tos guidesChange Diet
So often the topic of diet comes up. My advice, which for some reason seems to not be a common practice, is to avoid the big-bang conversion. Don’t try to do it all in one shot. If you want to become vegetarian, for example you should then remove 1 type of meat, the one you eat the least already, and whenever you would normally eat that meat, you should try to cook a new meal. After 2 weeks, do this with the next meat. Over time you will be cooking many new meals and one day you will say “wow, I guess I’m actually vegetarian!”
Another key point on this is to avoid replacement foods. I don’t understand the obsession. If I had an all-meat replacement for carrots, people would think I am insane to prefer it over regular meat. But this is what we are trying to do with foods, and it’s crazy! Just cook different food!
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